
The Education First Party was informally launched at Adams House at Harvard University on February 8, 2017 at a meeting of the Senior Common Room. The founder of the party is John Muresianu, an historian by training (AB, Harvard 1974, PhD, 1982) whose passion is education but whose day job has been in finance since 1984 (Bank of Boston, 1984-6, Fidelity Investments, 1985-2002, Lyceum Capital, 2002-2005, Maple Grove Advisors, 2009-Present). He has been a member of the Adams House Senior Common Room since 2009. He was a fellow at the Berkman Center at Harvard Law School from 2009-2010.

Mr. Muresianu founded the Thinking Citizen in 2015. He will be running for US Senator from Massachusetts in the 2018 election.

He lives in Concord MA where one of his favorite hobbies is greeting tourists from around the country and around the world at the Minute Man National Park. If you are ever in the Concord area, you are welcome to join him for a stroll.

He has four children and two grandchildren.

Until now, he has been a political independent with a record of voting for both Democrats and Republicans – George Bush in 2004, Barack Obama in 2008, Mitt Romney in 2012, and Hilary Clinton in 2016.




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